David has been a director and hands-on qualified professional horticulturist in intensive agriculture and horticulture businesses for over 35 years. He also spent a great deal of time giving advice and consulting part-time and full-time to established and new businesses in the industry. In an industry that is difficult for most newcomers to get into, he has come to realise that the experience and passion he has makes for a thrilling ability to engage full-time with new, as well as established, people in the industry, assisting them in finding the correct path to improve their success-rate and bottom-line. The latter he is able to do by applying a confidential, unbiased and professional (outside) perspective to organization and methods while guiding growers, propagators, sales/marketing teams as well as management and students.
His expertise and knowledge has provided a turning point for businesses, including many that already have outstanding qualities and people. Any business that is struggling to get that same outstanding quality will find that his hands-on experience will get them into a market driven, slick operation in which all departments work to the same goal of top-end quality, supplying the right product and the right quality of service with the right bottom line.
There are many intensive agriculture and floriculture businesses that are at the forefront of the industry. He has the background and experience that will assist in getting their teamwork, innovation and integrity focused. This will be done by providing a broad spectrum of value-adding services, with a strong strategic focus, while ensuring each department within the business partners is seeing and achieving the same “win, win” goals.
The qualitative research and analytical experience he has gained from working in all areas of the intensive agriculture, ornamental, floriculture and edible crop industry makes it possible for him to quickly assess the ability of any project team and then to sharpen their analytical, quantitative and qualitative skills while improving their profit margin as well as effectiveness in the industry. By partnering in a professional and confidential consultation agreement it becomes possible to achieve greatly improved results.
In conclusion: David operates as an independent consultant/advisor and observer, he has no ulterior motive or conflict of interest in providing a confidential and professional opinion. He works for you! Therefore, your best interest is in mind as he is not selling a specific product or maintenance agreement. Information provided is based on, and supported by, the most current industry standards. Investigating your goals, your operation and vision, and then providing guidance in the form of verbal advice, reports and correlation of statistics, is what he does.
David Gates Consulting services provided:
- Farm/Nursery Planning (design, re-design, market survey)
- Business Plan (design, concept format, bubble planning, tweaking, full bankable business plans)
- Horticultural Science (soil, water, analysis, nutritional programming)
- Propagation (mother-stock, techniques, planning/design, programming, hygiene, prop-media, record design)
- Pest & Disease (problem analysis, preventative and control programs, chemical and biological)
- Farm – Intensive agriculture/Nursery Operation & Management (time-motion studies, production scheduling, costing, record keeping)
- Cultural Analysis (systems analysis, guidelines, implementation techniques)
- Growing Structures (commercial shade-houses, greenhouses, tunnels, design, use, maintenance, vertical farming)
- Specialist Crops (pot-plants, cut-flower,edible crops, plugs – techniques propagation, culture, harvest, post-harvest, sales)
- Labour (guidelines, management, training, compliance with current labour law)
- Fertigation systems (advice, design, corrective procedures)
- Irrigation (advice, design, corrective procedures)
- Community Farming and Food Gardens (Farm to table concepts)
- Roof Top Gardens (research and development)
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